Back-2-School: Boosting Immunity

It is very common that as soon as your child goes to school, they seem to come into contact with every single bug there is. One of the most important ways to ward off unwanted illness is to make sure your child’s immune system is working efficiently. While you can’t shield your child from every single bug around, there are some natural tips you can follow to help them fight off as many as possible.

In this August Rosemary Report we will highlight several ways parents can boost their child’s immune system naturally.

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Male Prostate Health

This article discusses three common prostate issues: Prostatitis, Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH), and Prostate Cancer. We discuss the symptoms of these diseases and suggest a powerful herb for prostate health. Lastly, we share a delicious recipe with medicinal properties that aid in prostate health.

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Water: The Key To Life

Often we underestimate the importance of drinking water daily and do not truly appreciate what water does for our bodies. Our bodies depend on water to survive. Every cell, tissue, organ in our body needs water to properly work. For example, our bodies use water to maintain its temperature, remove waste, and lubricate our joints. Water is needed for overall good health.

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Skin: Glow From Within

Skin health is important not only for appearance, but also because your skin performs so many essential roles for the body. Skin protects the body from viruses and bacteria. Without skin, our organs, bones, and muscles would have no support. Read more now to learn about the causes of unhealthy skin and natural remedies to restore healthy skin. Soothing aloe face mask inside.

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Maintaining Colon Health

The colon is one of the body’s major organs that is essential for the removal of toxins, mucus, and waste from our body. If the colon is not working properly, the body can not absorb essential nutrients or rid itself of waste. About 42 million Americans are persistently stopped up, making constipation one of the most common gastrointestinal problems in the United States. Read more in the article.

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