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Hello all! Welcome come to QaDash! Join our Lead Herbalist, Tiffany Rushing, along with the rest of the QaDash family as we embark on a journey towards a more healthy, holistic lifestyle.


“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” - Rumi.

“Change,” was the word whispered to me as I lied there in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), vomiting up blood, seeing black stool. I was unable to get up for fear of fainting, requiring the nurse’s assistance to wipe and clean myself: tasks I had grown accustomed to doing alone. As such, I found myself going from specialist to specialist in search of relief, which at the moment, seemed impossible. Unable to find the remedy I was looking for through specialists at the hospital, I decided to take ‘my’ wellness into my own hands. Natural health is something I had been familiar with since college. However, it was never something I had considered practicing for myself, that is, until my personal health complications became intolerable. It was in that moment that I, along with the help of The Creator, decided it was time restore my health completely. In doing so, I began to change my eating habits and to make my own medicine, changing the course of my well-being forever. I can now say, with much pride, that those gastric ulcers from which I suffered no longer plague me. My health was restored!

It was through this experience that QaDash Wellness was born. I now, along with the QaDash Wellness Team, travel all over sharing this story with others as we inspire them to take wellness into their own hands. We do so in hopes that others will not have to follow the same path as I did, hitting rock bottom before deciding to make the change. Instead, we propose that they be better, making the necessary decisions now that lead to a healthier lifestyle in the future. As you look at my before and after photos, I hope that they encourage you all, no matter what age, to understand that it is never too late for your health to be restored. The first steps in the journey to wellness are cleansing and diet change.

We at QaDash Wellness are here to assist you in this endeavor. As of today, we have changed many lives by aiding people in their weight loss journeys and transitions into healthier eating habits (along with much more). Now, we look forward to helping YOU! Please, make the changes you want to see right away, before it's too late.

Above all things, may you all prosper and be in good health. Be Blessed, Be Restored, and Be Set Apart.

- Tiffany, Lead Herbalist of QaDash Wellness LLC